Define lame
Define lame

define lame

Person1: "Look at that kid wearing jorts and a yugioh bookbag!"


"Alexander's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day" was a book full of lame salad for Alexander. It is so lame that ingesting it might make you collapse and literally be lame for the rest of your life. It is the worst possible combination of lameness and weakness that can ever exist. See lame, weak, sad, poor, gay, shitty, retarded, lame sauce, fail 2.Įssentially the salad that you get if a retarded person mixed lame sauce, weak sauce, lamezors, and weak jizz together, then sprinkled a weak serving of lameness on top. "you hear about that suicide on myspace? thats lame salad if I ever heard of such a thing" "your mechanic did a lame salad job on my brakes, i cant even steer now and im stuck in reverse" "this happy meal is lame salad, why is the bun missing and why is there a pack of salt in my coke?" Lame salad is most often associated with the following: total failure to achieve, complete incompetance in every aspect of life, absolute stupidity so rediculous you question wether or not its intentional or a joke, and a complete lack of care, direction or progress in a specific task.

define lame

When combined as a whole, the result is lame salad, which is not a good combination at all. Lame salad is a poorly tossed mix of uneven and very low quality ingedients (different characteristics or factors which suck excessively). Lame salad by definition, refers to something which is extremely lame, weak, sad, poor or otherwise, usually failing to achieve in very many aspects (or often, every aspect). Vengeful God + the Trumpencritter = less than a year before ZAAAAPPPP!Įrgo, the Democrats should be just fine preventing Gorsuch from ever getting to the Supreme Court.(adj) Lame salad is a complex adjective, often used incorrectly by those lacking the intelligence to comprehend such a term. So doesn’t that make the Trumpencritter a “lame duck” as well? How long does he have before God puts him in the middle of a flood, a cloud of ravenous locusts, or the kind of lightning storm previously seen only in planet-sized hurricanes on Jupiter? So the Trumpencritter is one of the most useless excuses for a human being ever, and he’s just out there sinning like there’s no tomorrow. Although I would note (it’s relevant) that He’s something of a smiting sort of Dude, prone to throw plagues and bolts of lightning about when peeved. The GOP said that President Obama had less than a year to go, so he was a “lame duck.” And the GOP is just chock-a-block full of really good Bible-thumping folk, so they’re all firm believers in a kind and beneficent God. Just so that we can decide if the Democrats should pull the same stunt now that THAT precedent has been set, what are the specifics for a President being a “lame duck”? So here we are now and the Trumpencritter has nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill that seat that’s been empty for ten months because of the GOP’s disgusting and cowardly tactics. Just like they keep pretending that the Constitution doesn’t exist when it doesn’t suit them. They didn’t vote against him – they refused to even hold a single hearing. Logic, the Constitution, and the kind of moral and ethical standards that we would expect from any first grader aside, the GOP chose to simply ignore Merrick Garland’s nomination. Aside from the obvious issues with, you know, the way the Constitution is actually written, there’s also a fairly good sized body of precedent for Presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, being “lame ducks” but getting past that and doing their job. That’s so fucking stupid that I don’t even know where to start. In their view (which is insane, unconstitutional, and psychotic) it would only be “fair” for him to wait and let the next President nominate someone once he (or she) had a full four-years ahead of them. When President Obama nominated Merrick Garland, the GOP claimed that he shouldn’t or couldn’t do that because at the time he was a “lame duck” in office. So now that the Trumpencritter has named his nominee to the Supreme Court, let’s review recent GOP logic on this topic.

Define lame